Iconoclast Coffee Roasters

12021 102 Ave Northwest, Edmonton, Alberta, T5K 0R8

Sun-Sat 08:00-18:00

Guatemala I Antigua I
Guatemala I Antigua I
Guatemala I Antigua I

Guatemala I Antigua I



Our current coffee offering is a washed process, patio dried, single origin coffee from Guatemala. It comes to us from the Antigua regions of Guatemala. Finca Santa Clara is located on the southern slopes of the Antigua Valley between 1550-1890 masl and is privileged to have some of the finest volcanic soils for the cultivation of speciality coffee. The plantation is under strict shade control allowing the coffee trees to get the exact amount of sun to produce this exquisite and aromatic coffee. The coffee is hand picked, processed and washed in a traditional mill with crystal clear water giving it the beans a distinctive blue-green colour. The coffee is dried either on a patio or African Drying beds. The farm is managed and owned by Ricardo Zelaya, 4th generation coffee farmer. He is very committed to social projects including the Santa Clara Scholorship Fund. The scholar recipients are chosen based on their academic performance and financial need, the scholarship covers 70% of their expenses, such as tuition, books, school supplies, and uniforms. 



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Guatemala I Antigua I

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Guatemala I Antigua I

Guatemala I Antigua I
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